Catherine – Madelyn’s Mom
Vision therapy has been a journey! It was something we didn’t understand how far-reaching the ramifications would be. Madelyn has struggled to see or acknowledge that there was a problem. Yet as her mom and dad we’ve seen significant improvement in several areas. I’m also Madelyn’s primary teacher, and in this capacity I’ve seen her focus, her ability to focus, extend from 15-20 minutes to an hour or longer. She can now have productive school time over larger blocks of time without getting significantly frustrated. Her reading has increased several levels and she is choosing to read on her own. This is HUGE! We have also seen an attitude shift in regards to schoolwork and chores. She is much less angry and frustrated. Lastly – handwriting – wow her consistency in writing is fabulous! Her legibility has increased while the number of reversals have vastly decreased! We are so thankful for this experience.
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