Are You Ready For The Homework Wars?

Summer vacation is rapidly coming to a close. Some kids are enthusiastic about returning to school, while others aren’t so eager. Some parents are also feeling the stress of impending homework struggles and the accompanying frustration and tears. Is your child one who is experiencing such difficulties? Maybe she is a slow reader and has a difficult time comprehending the reading material. Maybe he often develops pounding headaches when trying to finish his homework.

One potential cause of these struggles is a visual issue called convergence insufficiency. Convergence insufficiency, or CI, is a condition that affects how your eyes work together when focusing on something close up, such as text in a book. Kids with CI will often complain of headaches, eye strain, or double vision when working on school work or reading. They may have a difficult time following a line of text, or focusing on the words in front of them. They may appear to be a slow reader and homework may seem to be a constant struggle.

If this describes your child, a functional vision exam may be key to discovering the source of the problem. Nearly 1 in 4 children suffer from an undiagnosed vision problem. Vision therapy can help improve and strengthen visual skills to help overcome these visual issues and bring peace to the homework wars.

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